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To start the game, click with your mouse onto the computer screen, then press any key.

You can control the computer with the keyboard only - as it was in the 80s.

In the game itself, you can use the cursor keys and SPACE to control the cursor. Also W,A,S,D + Space will work.

The Game

Gameplay video (Youtube)

In this game you have to place 72 enchanted stones on the board. Every stone has two attributes: color and symbol

There are six symbols and six colors, creating 36 unique stones Each stone has a twin, thus 72.

4 Simple Rules

1) To create a one-way match you must match your stone with either color or symbol of the other stone.

2) To create a two-way match you must match your stone using color for one stone and the symbol for the other stone.

3) To create a three-way match you must match your stone using color for one stone and symbol for the other two stones - or vice versa.

4) To create a four-way match you must match your stone using color for two stones and symbol for the other two stone.


Single-sided - 2
Two-sided    - 5
Three-sided  - 10
Four-sided   - 25

plus 25 Bonus for every previous four-sided in this game

Bonus for Board completed: 250

for the Amstrad CPC


- DSK (v1.030)
- Printing arts